




(1) back and forth

➡︎ 前後に、あちこちに;行ったり来たり;行きつ戻りつ;往復して。

[例]I had to travel back and forth between Tokyo and NY.


(2) black and white

➡︎ 書面で;書き物; 印刷したもの。

[例]The FAX number is given here in black and white.


(3) by and large

➡︎ 全般的に(見て)、概して。

[例]Your reports are by and large professional.


(4) give or take

➡︎ だいたい;およそ;前後;プラス・マイナス。

[例] I’ll be there at six, give or take ten minutes.


(5) loud and clear

➡︎ はっきりと;明瞭に。

[例] I hear you loud and clear.


(6) make or break

➡︎ 運命のわかれ道、運命を左右する 。

[例]This program is make or break for our company.

(7) more or less

➡︎ 程度の差はあるが;多かれ少なかれ;大体。

[例] I’ve more or less finished the book.


(8) onward and upward

➡︎ 右肩上がり。

[例] His company is now onwards and upwards.


(9) out and out

➡︎ 徹底的に; 完全に。

[例] This product is an out and out flop.


(10) part and parcel

➡︎ 重要部分。

[例]English presentation skill is part and parcel of this job.


(11) the pros and cons


[例] We must weigh the pros and cons of the measure first.


(12) rough and ready

➡︎ ぞんざいな;大雑把だが、手元にある目的のために効果的な。

[例]It is a rough and ready translation.


(13) rules and regulations

➡︎ 法規; 規則。

[例]I’ve been sick of all these rules and regulations.


(14) sick and tried

➡︎ 飽き飽きしている。

[例]I’m sick and tired of the complaints from customers.


(15) smoke and mirrors

➡︎ 巧妙なトリックで人を欺く;ごまかし。

[例]The company’s earnings presentation was all smoke and mirrors.


(16) tit for tat

➡︎ しっぺい返しをする;報復 。
tit も tat も「なぐること」。
ドラマ『半沢直樹』の 名せりふを英語に翻訳すれば、

I believe in benevolence, but if you are hurt, give tit for tat. I’ll pay you back double. That is my way.


(17) touch and go

➡︎ す早い動作;一触即発の、危機一髪の、きわどい。

[例]Our factory failed to deliver an important component, it was a touch and go for almost 3 hours.


(18) ups and downs

➡︎ (繰り返される〕上り坂下り坂;上昇と下降;栄枯盛衰。

[例] financial ups and downs


(19) wear and tear

➡︎ すり切れ, 摩滅; 消耗。

[例] Normal wear and tear is not covered by warranty.


(20) wining and dining

➡︎ 飲食;接待。

[例] He is wining and dining his clients.

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